Before donation

Drink plenty of water During the night and morning before you donate. The leading cause of faintness and dizziness is a drop in blood pressure. Getting lots of water into your body helps keep your blood pressure up. Avoid caffeinated drinks because they dehydrate you

Avoid fatty foods for 24 hours before you donate. Increased fat in your blood stream can make it hard to get accurate readings on some of the mandatory screening tests conducted on samples of your blood after you donate.

Eat iron-rich foods for two weeks before your appointment; examples include: spinach, whole grains, eggs and beef. Also, Vitamin C helps increase iron absorption. Your iron level will be tested before you donate.

During Your Donation

Wear clothing with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow.

Let the phlebotomist know if you have a preferred arm and show the staff any good veins that have been used successfully in the past to draw blood.

Relax, listen to music, talk to other donors or read during the donation process.

Take the time to enjoy a snack and a drink in the refreshments area immediately after donating.

After Donation

Eat Breakfast To help keep your blood sugar up. This will help you feel better after you donate blood.

Have a snack After the donation, Drink some juice and eat a light snack with a high sugar content to get your blood sugar back up. By enjoying your snack before leaving the donation site. Let your body adjust a bit before rushing off to the rest of your day. Plan to spend approximately 10 minutes in the canteen.

Eat a meal high in protein after your donation; beef, chicken or legumes are excellent choices. You should also eat some vegetables and be sure to drink plenty of water.

Avoid heavy lifting for the rest of the day. This includes weightlifting at the gym, as well as working at any job that requires heavy lifting, climbing or strenuous exercise.

If you feel light headed, lie down, preferably with feet elevated, until the feeling passes.

In rare cases when bleeding occurs after removing the bandage, apply pressure to the site and raise your arm for 3-5 minutes. If bleeding or bruising occurs under the skin, apply a cold pack to the area periodically during the first 24 hours.

Be happy because one of the three peoples during a day they are save by your blood.

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